Human Resource > Effective Payroll Computation And Administration
Payroll executives & supervisors, administrative executives, officers & assistants, human resource executives & officers, and any other personnel involved in the payroll administration
This stimulating program will maximize understanding and learning through lectures, discussions, case studies and practical activities
Module 1: Module 1: Overview of Payroll Components
Module 2: Wages – It’s Definitions
Module 3: Wages – its Application
Module 4: Deductions
Module 5: Salary System
Module 6: EPF Payment
Module 7: SOCSO
Module 8: Human Resource Development Fund
Module 9: Income Tax
Module 10: Practices / Hands-On
Module 11: Issues and Problems in Payroll
He started off his career in 1980 as a Senior Officer with the Ministry of Information for 15 years and gained extensive management experience. Later he moved to a Japanese based company where he was in charge of the whole spectrum of human resource.
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