Occupational Safety & Health (OSH) Management Workshop (Online Training)

Course Objectives

The Malaysian Occupational Safety & Health Act 1994 and its Regulation require companies’ OSH Committees, OSH Managers/ Engineers/ Executives/ SHOs, Management and employees to attend different OSHrelated training & competencies, under the duties/ responsibilities of Employers.

This Workshop is specifically designed to provide a comprehensive knowledge on overall OSH Management, in compliance to Legal requirements. The Employers must demonstrate strong Leadership and commitment to OSH activities in their organizations & ensure the implementation of OSH Management systems.

Participants will learn to:

  • Provide knowledge on OSH Management systems
  • Provide guidance in developing your organization’s OSH Policy & SOPs.
  • Provide skills & knowledge on chemical Emergency responses
  • Provide hands-on skills in conducting effective Accident reporting & investigations.
  • Provide proper tools & skill sets in conducting effective OSH audits & customized Audit Checklists.
  • Lay the fundamental knowledge in completing your annual HIRARC.

Target Audience

Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) Managers, Executives, Engineers & Officers, EHS Committee members, Emergency Response Team (ERT) Leaders & Members, Security Managers/ Officers/ Executives, Facilities Managers, engineers & technicians, Logistics/ Warehouse Managers/ Supervisors, Lab Managers & Officers, Manufacturing Managers/ Directors/ Supervisors, Manufacturing Engineers, All Department Managers and Housekeeping Managers/ Supervisors


This Live Online / Virtual Training session will be conducted via a Live Streaming Platform in which the trainer will use interactive lecture and slide presentation to cover the modules stated below.

Course Modules

  • Module 1:Occupational Safety & Health (OSH) Legal Compliance  & Regulatory requirements in Malaysia.
    – Malaysia OSH Legal framework
    – OSH ESH requirements enforced by DOSH & other Regulatory requirements
  • Module 2: Scope and Concept of OSH Management System
    – What is OSH management system
    – Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle & elements
  • Module 3: OSH Policy & Committee
    – Key Components of a comprehensive OSH Policy
    – Requirments of the establishment of an OSH Committee
    – Empowering your OSH Committee
  • Module 4 : Management Leadership, Responsibility and Accountability
    – Total Safety Management (TSM)
    – The power of Senior Management Safety role modelling
    – Safety Management by Walking Around (SMBWA)

Get To Know The Trainer

Trainer Dominic


The Trainer graduated with Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Housing, Building & Planning from Universiti Sains Malaysia and holds a Master in Business Administration from University of Portsmouth UK. He is currently pursuing his PhD on Behavioral-Based Safety at Univesiti Sains Malaysia.

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