Wan Nurul

Trainer Ashikin


  • Bachelor of Laws (LL.B), Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom
  • UTE, Federation of Malaysian Unit Trust Managers
  • PCE & CEILI, Malaysian Insurance Institute



  • English
  • Bahasa Melayu


  • English
  • Bahasa Melayu


Wan Nurul Ashikin (Nurul) graduated with a Bachelor of Law from the Manchester Metropolitan University, UK. Prior to being self-employed in 2004, she spent the last 12 years providing services in several prominent organisations particularly in the areas of marketing, customer service and training.

Her employment at a national management institute in 1997 was instrumental in deepening her passion towards human and organisational development, and it was there that she started out as co-facilitator for leadership and team-building programmes for corporations like WTW-Lehrer McGovern, Eveready Battery and Sapura. She was the project administrator and co-consultant for the management institute’s inaugural Training Needs Analysis (TNA) consulting service for companies like FELDA Holdings and Celcure (M) Sdn Bhd. Whilst at the management institute, she was requested to translate a motivational book, from English to Malay. The book, “Resam Hidup”, was published by the management institute in 2000.

From 2002 to 2004, Nurul was an in-house trainer for a public-listed property conglomerate

involved in  property development, manufacturing, construction, resort and vacation club. Being versatile, she trained all levels of staff on  positive attitude, managing people, supervisory skill, time and stress management, leadership, team power, service excellence, interpersonal skill, ISO awareness and quality management programs.

In 2005, Nurul edited diploma-level modules for the Open University Malaysia (OUM), and in 2006, she edited various texts on Islamic finance for Bank Negara’s International Centre for Education in Islamic Finance (INCEIF – a BNM university), for its inaugural professional courses in Islamic Finance. In 2008, she co-authored a book, “Making a Difference”, which was published by MIM in 2009. In 2009, she was one of four authors involved with the writing and publication of a book for the training and human capital development fraternity titled, “Beyond Training: The Practitioners’ Perspective.” She was also involved in a book-writing project for a national association’s 60th anniversary. The book was published in mid-December, 2011.

Nurul is a regular resource person for some of OUM’s executive diploma programmes (modules: Organisational Behaviour, Personal Mastery, Business Management and Business Communication). Apart from OUM, she also lectures for UK-based Society of Business Practitioners’ executive diploma programmes (modules: Human Capital Development, Stakeholder Management, Business Process and Business Strategy). She was a resource person from a team appointed by MDeC (from 2005 to 2006) to deliver technopreneur development modules to assist unemployed IT graduates start their own businesses. In 2010, she was a trainer appointed by a state government agency to train new and existing micropreneurs on entrepreneurship to enable them to remain competitive and able to support themselves, and their families.

Organisations that have benefited from her training include Petronas Bhd, Bintulu Port, Sapura Group, eTiQa Bhd, Dumex (M) Bhd, Nestle (M) Bhd, Carrefour, UMW, Malaysian Association for the Blind, Tanjong Plc, Multimodal Freight, NAZA Group, Habib Jewels, LPPKN, KWSP, CMM Kuching, Perwaja Bhd, Intel, Revertex, Hoya Electronics, Zuellig Pharma, Takaful Brunei, THONEH, Amanah Raya Berhad and SIRIM Bhd.


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