Tan PL

Trainer Tan PL


MEd (Guidance & Counseling)
Registered & Licensed Counselor
Certified Facilitator for Leadership Training Programs, Achieve Global, US
Accredited Facet5 & 360 Feedback User, Management Centre of Asia Pte Ltd, POD Malaysia
Management Potential Evaluation (MPE) Administrator, Cevey Consulting, Germany




Poh Ling holds a Master of Education in Guidance & Counseling, majoring in Community Mental Health from University Putra Malaysia (2008) and a Bachelor of Science (Hons) in the field of Physics and Management Studies from University of Science, Malaysia (1999). She is a Malaysian Registered and Licensed Counselor (KB, PA).

Poh Ling began her career in a MNC as QA Engineer in 1999 and later become the technical trainer for Quality Improvement Program such as 7-Step Structured Problem-Solving Techniques, Quality Control Circle (QCC), 7 QC Tools, Statistical Process Control (SPC), Process Capability Training, 5S Housekeeping, Effective Meeting, Effective Communication Skills and Kaizen Management. Throughout her years of experience in training and development, she has always had a deep interest in understanding human behavior and psychology. Her passion is in helping individual and organizations to grow effectively. She then further pursued her Master Degree in Guidance & Counseling.

Upon graduation, Poh Ling joined Human Dynamic (a leading people management consulting company in Asia Pacific) as a EAP consultant in 2008. Prior to that, Poh Ling worked in hospital settings. She provided both in-patient and out-patient counseling for individuals and groups. She has on-job experiences dealing with normal to mildly psychiatric patients who suffer from Depression, Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, stress, grieve and bereavement, pre-post-surgery and renal failure in the Unit of Psychology Counseling, Hospital Serdang, Kuala Lumpur.

Part of her extensive experience includes developing considerable experiences in crisis intervention for rape victims, suicidal survivors and domestic violence victims i.e. abused women and children. She spearheaded several psycho-educational workshops (Grief and Bereavement Management Workshop, Stress Management Workshop, Excellent Employee Workshop) and conducted numerous trainings under Continuous Nursing Education (CNE) program for the hospital staffs.

Poh Ling has been called upon to provide immediate psychological aid to people affected by traumas like industrial accidents and tanker piracy. In 2008, she supported the impacted family members of the hijacked crew. Her wide knowledge in the fields of guidance and counseling allowed her to share her corporate experience in Maritime Piracy: A Humanitarian Response Consultation in Hong Kong and become the emcee of the 8th Malaysian Chinese Counseling Conference which was held in Kuala Lumpur in 2010.

During her services in consulting company, Poh Ling focused on employee development coaching projects, managerial training, Work Life Coaching, Crisis Incident Stress Management (CISM) and Outplacement Consulting Services (OCS). She is a certified MPE Coach and is duly qualified to analyze, coach and train clients utilizing the Management Potential Evaluation (MPE). Besides that, Poh Ling is also a certified Administrator for Facet5 and also used to be a certified Health and Wellness Coach from Wellcoaches, US.

Poh Ling left consulting field and joined MNCs in 2013 holding roles as APAC Leadership & Organizational Development and Global Business Services (GBS) Learning & Development Manager. She had provided individual coaching and counseling to newly promoted people managers or key talent to foster their people management skills, emotional resilience and other leadership competencies.

Throughout her past years of work experience in consulting and corporate companies, Poh Ling had delivered people management services such as leadership development and assessment, talent development via strength-focused approach, psychological counseling, career coaching, crisis intervention to various companies. She had conducted and co-conducted numerous people management training and team building program to corporate customers like HSBC, First Solar, Intel, BASF, Resort World Genting, Eaton, Ericsson, Plexus, Celestica, Air Products, Osram, Penfibre Sdn. Bhd., PGC Strategies Sdn. Bhd., Tokio Marine Life Insurance Malaysia Bhd. etc. across different countries like China, Singapore, Hong Kong and Malaysia. One of the differentiators of her training is that she likes to use real case scenarios so that the training participants gain valuable insights into real life applications of the skills they are being taught, hence making the real-world connection.

With her integrated working experiences in the consulting, corporate sector and mental health industry, Poh Ling has strong belief in preventive people management strategy for organizations and also the spirit of continuous learning. She is currently providing counseling psychology services to individual/family/corporate clients, conducting short talks/self-development workshop to schools/public/NGOs, and also a corporate trainer.

Here is her recent testimonial:

“Poh Ling’s training session was very engaging, everyone take active participation, two way communication, break through “all walls’ between department and job scope, everyone gets together.”
Mr. J, Manufacturing Manager, Penfibre Sdn. Bhd.




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