> Trainer Tan Yew Lee
Dr Grace Tan is a professional freelance trainer with 26 years of working experience in various fields. She is a professional corporate trainer and she has facilitated the business sector by providing practical and interactive activity-based trainings to the corporate sector through workshops and seminars. She has conducted numerous trainings, and has more than ten years of experience in banking, education and business process outsourcing (BPO). She was a former banker, marketing consultant, HR consultant, trainer, Associate Professor, translator, court and conference interpreter internationally. She has interpreted for many international companies including UN and conferences in China, Japan, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietname, USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Belgium, France, Switzerland, Netherlands, Germany and etc. Fast paced solutions, creative techniques and innovative ideas coupled with her expertise in Management, HR & Marketing areas has facilitated her as a fully dedicated and passionate trainer. Her area of specializations are in Management, HR and Marketing related issues. The main focus in training and development of these areas is to keep employees motivated and equip them with the latest knowledge of their field. She is the certified trainer of HRDC, MIM member and a certified NLP Practitioner, USA. In addition, she has been highly sought for her training, translation and interpretation skills in many multi-national corporations (MNC). She has conducted training in 38 countries. In addition, she has applied different training methods to train her participants and strive for maximum training impacts.
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