360 Safety > Health is Wealth Workshop + Health Screening
Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD) has been the leading cause of death in Malaysian since the early 1980s. From the current data collected by the National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS) at 2014, it was found that estimated 73% of the total deaths in Malaysia were due to non-communicable diseases (NCDs), and half of the number were caused by cardiovascular diseases.
There are more cases showing that cardiovascular diseases do not only happen among the older community, in fact rising population among the young people especially the working adults. Unhealthy lifestyle and eating habits among the working adults have brought about higher risk susceptible to CVD and other related NCDs.
Upon completion of this program, participants should be able to:
Identify carbohydrate food sources and sugar intake, diet to improve heart health and portion control using the rules of hand to improve eating habits and lifestyle changes to prevent and reduce the complications of cardiovascular diseases and related NCDs.
Suitable for all, especially employees that are keen to improve their lifestyle at the same time, bring better performances to their company.
Principles of Experiential and Adult Learning will be used.
• Engaging lectures
• Interactive workshops/ case studies which involve teamwork
• Demonstration and Involvement
• Pre and Post assessment
Module 1 – Understanding Your Medical Report
• Score categorization on the risk of getting cardiovascular diseases within 10 years using Framingham Risk Score.
• Result interpretation from BCA and blood result targeted to improve health conditions through dietary control and lifestyle changes
Talk: Dietary advice for targeted abnormal results. Participants receive their own health report
with doctor’s summary.
Module 2 – Be Sugar Savvy
• Relationship of sugar and carbohydrate intake in relation to blood sugar control.
• Identify total added sugar in beverages and list the carbohydrate food sources.
Activity: Interactive games and learning on sugar and carbohydrate intake.
Module 3 – Eat Smart For A Healthy Heart
• Heart healthy diet consist of types of fats, sodium and fiber intake.
• Identification on the types of fats and their relation to cholesterol level
• Common sodium food sources and their content in packaging foods
• Function of fiber to reduce risk of heart diseases.
Activity and talk: Case studies and discussion involved to improve heart health.
Module 4 – Health Lunch
• Healthy lunch which portrays the key to balanced healthy eating.
Module 5 – Shape your Plate
• Shape your plate with Malaysian Healthy Plate.
• Portion recommendation by using the rules of hand.
Talk: Portion control using the rules of hand and key to balanced eating.
Module 6 – Stress Relievers at Work
• Stress management and physical activity as part of lifestyle changes
• Circle of influence
• Simple stretching and core strengthening exercise at work desk
Activity: Simple group exercises to improve stress management at work.
Her previous working experience as dietitian in specialist center has acquired her knowledge and skills in dietetics counselling, facilitating corporate health talks and coaching in corporate wellness programs specifically in weight management. She has also given talks to various organizations such as UOB Bank, CapitaLand, UMobile, Mah Sing etc.
*T&C Applies
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